York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills Book 14--Labor Complaints 16 January 1710/11 In the accon of Covenant between Daniell Park Esqr: plt: & Richd: Moor deft: for 10 l Sterl damage by means of the defts: not keeping of Certain Covents: in an Indenture made between the sd. deft: & Jane Park attorney for the plt. Contained &c the Sheriff haveing made Oath that he left a Copy of the writt in this Suit at the defts: usuall Residence & he not appearing at the plts: mocon an attachmt: is granted him agst: the defts. Estate for the aforesd Sum & Costs returnable to the next Court for Judgmt Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (14) 48. 19 February 1710/11 In the petition of Abigal Obrian Setting forth that She being lately a Servant to Charles Holdsworth of this County the sd Holdsworth before the Expiracon of her time (she being greatly afflicted with Sickness) discharged the petr. from his Service without paying her the allowance given by Law on the Sherriffs returning him Sumoned & his non appearance It is the opinion of the Court that the sd. Obrian ought to recover agst. the sd: Holdsworth fifteen bushells of Indian Corn & forty Shillings Currt: mony or the Value thereof in goods as the law directs & Costs als Ex Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (14) 55. 21 January 1711/12 Robert Francis by his petition Sett forth that he haveing Served part of his Indentured time to William Babb to whom he fell by the death of John Babb the sd. William Refuses to Shew him the Indenture or pay him the Consideracon therein Expressed, It is therefore ordered that the Sheriff Sumon the sd: William Babb to appear at the next Court & answer the sd. petition Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (14) 125. 19 May 1712 In the petition of Robert Francis agst. William Babb time is given the sd. Babb to Exhibit the Indenture or Covenant by wch: the petr: was detained in Service to the next Court & for the petitioner to produce his Evidence Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (14) 152. 18 August 1712 Ann Carter haveing complained to Henry Tyler Gent one of her Majtys Justices that Robert Hide her Master hath at Severall times beat & abused her in a most barbarous manner & Compelled her to work at washing & Scouring on the lords day & the sd: Tyler haveing ordered the appearance of the sd: Carter this day to prosecute her sd: Complaint & failing therein, the Court on Consideracon do Suspect that She has been prevented by the sd: Hide wth: intent to obstruct the Course of Justice Therefore ordered that the Sherif of this County take the body of the Said Ann Carter into Care & Custody & so dispose of her that She may appear at the next Court in order to prosecute her said Complaint Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (14) 187. 15 December 1712 In the petition of William Young & Eliza: his wife in behalf of William Vernum agst. Humphry Nixon in relation to the sd: Nixons neglecting to provide for the sd: Vernum his apprentice wholesome diett &c & for forty shills. damage by means of the sd. Nixons whiping his sd: apprentice naked Contrary to Law the Evidence & suggestions of both partys being heard together with the Law relateing to Servants & Slaves the Court upon Consideracon of the whole are of opinion that the sd: Vernum hath no cause of Complt: & thereupon dismt. the petition with Costs & ordered that the sd: Vernum return to his Masters service Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (14) 205. 21 March 1714/5 In the petition of Hugh Norvell the Younger by his father agst: James Morris his master for abuse & Neglecting to instruct his apprentice in his trade the Court upon hearing the allegacons of both partys do order that the sd. Norvell return to his masters Service that the sd: Morris treat him Civilly & teach him the trade injoyned by Indenture & that the petrs: father pay Costs Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (14) 398. 16 May 1715 In the petition of Hugh Norvell by his father Hugh Norvell agst: James Morris for ill usage to his apprentice & failure to inform him in the trade of a Carpenter &c both partys being heard the Court are of opinion that the petr: ought to be discharged from the sd: Morris, but for as much as it is for the benefit & advantage of the sd: Norvell to be kept with some Person of known Skill in that profession therefore ordered that he Serve the remainder of his time Expressed by Indenture with Mr. Henry Cary who has agreed to take & instruct him according to the purport thereof & that the sd: Morris pay Costs als Exo. Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (14) 413. 15 August 1715 Upon the petition of Bridgett Minitree Complaining of hardships used by Jno. Brookes to her son John Ince whom she bound apprentice by Indenture to Gabl: Maupin to learn the trade of a Taylor Ordered that the Sherif Sumon the said Maupin to appear at the next Court to answer what will then be alledged agst: him in this behalf Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (14) 438. 19 September 1715 On Consideracon of the petition of John Ince by Bridgett Minitree his next friend agst. Gabl: Maupin to whom the sd: John was bound an apprentice to learn the Art of a Taylor It appeared to the Court that the said Maupin hath assigned his said apprentice over to John Brookes of Williamsburgh to learn the said trade who hath neglected to perform the Indenture, but for as much as it highly tends to the advantage of the sd: apprentice that he be perfected in a trade he hath been so long attaining & the sd: Brookes haveing agreed to use him well & keep him Strictly to his trade onely It is the opinion of the Court & accordingly ordered that the sd. John Ince return to the Service of the sd. Brookes for the time yet to come in the sd. Indenture expressed in order to learn the sd. trade & by Consent the Indenture is to be kept in the office for the benefit of both partys and it's further ordered that the sd. Maupin & Brookes joyntly pay Costs also Exo. Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (14) 446. 21 November 1715 In the petition of David Cuningham agst: John Watson his Servant man for lifting up his hand in opposition too & Assaulting the petr: upon hearing the Evidence & Law relateing thereto the Court do order & adjudge that the sd: Watson serve his sd: Master one year after his time by indenture Custom or former order is Expired for the said offence according to Law Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (14) 457.